วันพุธที่ 23 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2552

Merit Pay For Teachers - How Will It Work?

Merit pay for teaching has an unfulfilled goal of many educational advocates for decades. There are examples that show it works elsewhere in the country.

What about the private, entrepreneurial segments of America? Do they use to identify rewards for exemplary performance, and motivate the quality? An outstanding performance measure in manufacturing is the productivity of employees. The more power a worker produces in a given period, the higher is the productivity ratio,increase with the possibility for profit. In retail, customer focus is a crucial measure of the administration. The health sector study trials used to reach for success through quality improvement of the quality of life of patients and prolongs life. As diverse as these three companies, disclaims any worldly remain competitive by reducing errors. Isolate Through research and testing, they initiate those areas of operation, where most errors occur, and reduce practices, these errors, withMerit rewards as the main incentive.

Although somewhat simplified, it might be useful to identify the best techniques to aid this employment segments with error reduction.

Goal Setting: In a continuous process in place to isolate error-prone activities, goals that are observable and specific, communicated in written form and explained that all involved in the reduction of error rate. Vague goals are easy to reach, but useless.

Computer-aided technology use: CreateSoftware and / or hardware for the relief tasks of a repetitive nature in general helps to reduce errors. Precision results are more likely to occur with the technique of application, as if the people perform the same tasks.

Decision Making: The responsibility for the problem is usually transferred in the best people closest to the problem. If you see remedied. Do not go to just call a specialist.

Merit Rewards: For the person who is successful on the level of expectation, their causesrepeat performance at this level will occur with greater probability of earning recognition.

Entrepreneurial Competitive Support American ingenuity remains the cause of surges in an unprecedented growth in start-up small business employment. This American service sector continues to grow and create solutions where challenges remain.


Now let us examine how well these techniques are, or could benefit from public education. WhenPrivate sector finds success in the competition by implementing proven approaches to reduce the error rate, the public sector could do the same? Perhaps the attention to the elements that have made our American private sector the envy of the world, would do the same for education.

Let's examine them one-by-one:

Goal Setting: This is one of the most important sections of the federal policy "No Child Left
Behind "Act. Everyone is empowered with the task of writing, communication and implementationspecific, measurable student learning outcomes. This state-by-state process is slow, and many of those already published learning objectives are not measurable, so no one can agree exactly when these objectives have been identified pupils attained.

A practical solution to this dilemma would be an insistence that contain all of the target action verbs statements that define the observable human behavior. A simple but useful list of these verbs, arranged from simplest to complex would bedistinguished: compiled; too, name, describe in order;; contrast, state a rule, apply in general to demonstrate to interpret;.
This would not only explanations that these verbs be observable, but they would also lead to measurable, a necessity for the pursuit of academic progress with standardized tests.

Entrepreneurial Competitive Support: With the availability is aligned with academic goals of the observable behavior, the task of preparing test questions on these results, aPrecision task. Research by a qualified review of the company can answer questions that are consistent targets very carefully. At present, these companies offer standardized proficiency tests and test results obtained.

But these results are not very useful for teachers who need an immediate response areas for the rehabilitation diagnosis. The thing that would be very useful to educators would be an Internet system that could electronically supply teachers with short teaching and instant quizScoring.

Unique tests of any length can be downloaded based on choice of subjects the teachers of item characteristics ranging from big test of the testing company's article database.

Other support organizations could be a way to the quiz for teacher-selected curriculum provide features, but receive with each student in the class, only a few questions. And every student questions would be questions of everyone else in the class.

When sorted electronicallyand returned, the points would then all questions, and a wider range of ideas, thus providing the teacher immediate feedback on the achievement of specific academic goals for the whole class. This process is well researched and documented for over 35 years, the independent National Assessment of Educational Progress.

Teachers should find this diagnostic quiz to unsatisfactory results and the desire for a new approach in teaching the concept of a database of proven researchApproaches should be lesson plan format by electronic means available. Over the years, educational research into successful educational approaches by government grants and contracts supported, but remains hidden in some government file, or some professors on bio sheet. An entrepreneurial opportunity is to validate them and to communicate ideas, a great support for the teachers through Internet downloads.

These are just a few ideas that are available to reduce the teacher shouldError in the statement uneducated America's youth. The service sector is always ready, able and willing to fill this gap and to achieve this are competitive.

Computer-Aided Technology Use: may occur with the experience of Internet use by educators of today's transition to this class measurement techniques with little training. In fact, might be the proliferation of software and hardware service also reassure test items for test security vendors.

The service sector is aproven ability to meet this demand quickly. Teachers would respond login codes for inclusion in the program, classroom printer to download and unique quiz for students to produce the machine-scoring function in a classroom score built print and then destroy the paper tests, and database Development of quizzes and collect more test results on a semester or year for teachers look-back and self-analysis.

This is just one example of the aid of a creative society could offer support for ourNation's teachers and students lead to improved academic performance.

Decision Making: It is obvious that the individual leaders manage classroom teacher. Your success in promoting student academic achievement based on their ability, training and support. Having direct, professional feedback is much better than a long wait for "standardized test results, which came too late for the rehabilitation of the practice.

Merit Rewards: The basis for the granting of merit payfor the exceptional performance is embedded in the record electronically with each use of the technology described in this article produced. It can be done. The private sector has shown the way!

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